Wednesday, March 25, 2020

3. Like ships in the night.

Part 3

"1978 - 1980"

Calling Occupants.

All those years ago life was exciting and adventurous and the future looked bright.

As I type this it's 24th March 2020 & I'm in Lockdown in Sydney, Australia due to a global pandemic due to the coronavirus.
I'm trying to "self isolate", staying indoors and avoiding human contact. It's a scary world out there at the moment.

In Part I of this Blog I covered my musical history during the 1960s and my many encounters with famous people.

In Part 2 I detailed my history as a Freelance Writer and multi media personality during 76-77.
Life was Fast and Furious and wondered what was next.

I didn't have to wait long before my first media exposure for 1978 took place, in the form of the below article published in Ram magazine on the 27th January.

The first time I heard of Klaatu was on the 20th March  1977 when I read an article published in Sunday Telegraph newspaper titled "Mystery record May be Beatles comeback?".
The article was a reproduction of the below article by Steve Smith published some months earlier in the USA.

In my pieces in the Ram article I'm refered to as their "intergalactic looney" , which I take as a compliment.
In the article I make references to songs from the bands 2nd album "Hope" but first let's take a listen to the Beatlesque song "Subrosa Subway" from their debut album.

At the end of my Ram article I state "there will be a sign on their 3rd album "Sir Army Suit"  to verify all information I have given is correct and that it was given to me by Klaatu".

Six months later "Sir Army Suit" was released and it featured the songs "Cherie" and "Dear Christine".
Strangely or co-incidentally, "Cherie" was my wife's name and "Christine" the name of my sister.
"Is it just co-incidence or was I receiving telepathic data from Klaatu?".


Since I read the original Sunday Telegraph article in March 77, I began researching the rumour that "Klaatu could be The Beatles".
My research took 6 years and in 1983 I sought the publication of my findings.

 I self produced 100 copies of the above 36paged Promo booklet and posted them to various publishers around the globe.
Months later a couple of publishers expressed an interest but later declined for "legal reasons".
It was around this time that I received a"warning and death threat" against me and was instructed to be careful about what I reveal.
In 1986 when my marriage fell apart, I went "underground" and placed copies of my manuscript into a number of "safe houses".
Finally 29years later , in 2015 I self published my Story in a 10 Part Blogg , now titled; "The greatest story never told".

For the full story visit;

On the 2nd March I received the below letter from Tony Barrell at "Double Jay radio inviting me to call him to set up a meeting.

I phoned him immediately and we agreed to meet a couple of days later.
On the day, we spent around 5 hours in a studio recording a discussion on Ufo's . He asked me many questions on the subject and I answered the best I could; we kept a tape recording all the time.
We also discussed my research on the mysterious band Klaatu.

Tony said he would edit it down to around 3 hours and planned to broadcast it asap.
Today I can't recall hearing the broadcast but several months later I heard that Tony had mysteriously died.

On the 2nd June, Ram magazine published another article of mine titled "CIA blows gaff on space visitors".


The article relates to the story of two CIA operatives meeting with a captured extraterrestial and what the alien had to say about the human race.  The alien claims that many of his kind hold places in high positions on Earth and that they have been living amongst humans for a long time. He said that if his race decided to invade Earth, humans wouldn't know it was happening.

Several months later I received a copy from the author of the following book.

The author Stan Deyo claims to have worked for the CIA and believed certain governments were building "flying saucers" based on alien technology from captured craft.
He claimed a New World Order would be set up after " a false alien invasion" is staged.

 Sounds like vision of the year 2020, taking place whilst billions are in Lockdown, indoors.
After reading the book, I managed to contact him by phone and I thanked him for the book. He said he was aware of my work as a Ufologist and wished me well in my endeavors.

During September, the Psychic Australia magazine published a 2nd article of mine titled "Alien recordings".

The article covered my research into the mysterious band KLAATU and asked " we're they really aliens?".
In their song "Around the universe in 80 days"  they invite us to " come aboard my ship" and declare "Our planet is the 2nd from the Sun", take a listen.

In November 78 , the international publication "The UFO Report" published my below article "Rock of Ages".

Again, this article was on the mysterious band KLAATU .
I make the suggestion that based on their song "Little Neutrino" that perhaps "aliens" are trying to communicate with Earthlings via "neutrinos"?
"Perhaps it's just a personal insight into future technology?".

Little Neutrino

This article gave me international exposure and decided to take some time off from media exposure and instead to devote more time to researching The Klaatu mystery.

It wasn't until the 27th December 79 that my next article appeared in the "Australasian Post" magazine.
It was published nationally and gave my name a great deal of media exposure.

The article suggests a big cover-up by NASA regarding their discoveries in space; their Lunar and Mars exploration.
During their Moon landings they were visited by numerous "alien craft", whilst on Mars they discovered the remains of ancient cities.
 (During the 90s I Astral travelled to Mars and discovered huge underground cities)

I believe our own Solar System is teaming with intelligent life.


My first article for 1980 was published in March in the new "New Age" magazine

The article posed the question " Is the Earth hollow?"
It presents evidence and research that supports the possibility.
Being a new "New Age" publication it gave me a new readership/audience and expanded my fan base. ( Yes I had fans and received fan mail often).

Journey to the centre
of the Earth

In April Ziriuz published my 2nd article "Is 1980 the year of the Anti-Christ".

The article was based on Numerology, whereby the numbers 1+9+8+0 added up to 18.
6+6+6 = 18
In the Bible it claims the number of the Beast in 666.

Today I believe The Beast" resides within us all and that Heaven and Hell is here on Earth and can often just be a "state of mind".
World religion has not given mankind Enlightenment but instead enslaved us into a false reality.
Individually we create our own reality by our deeds  and actions.
No God is going to save you from your destiny/fate, only you can save yourself.
Later in April Ziriuz published my third article "Sunspots, cancer and natural disasters", which I now longer have a copy of.
Over the years I have moved house dozens of times and some of my history has been lost forever.

In June 1980 the below reproduction  was also published in the New Zealand publication "KOSMON NEWS".

The people of the Snow White Cloud and sheep thought I was trying "to pull the wool over their eyes".
They even threatened to "baa" me.

It was great to see my work published in other countries.

My third article "Sydney's disease: Air Pollution" was published in July .

In 1980 Sydney, Australia was the 3rd most polluted city in the world.
This article explores some of the issues and offers solutions to these problems.
We need to take care of Mother Earth so that she can take care of us.

Julian Lennon .

On the 17th September " Pix/People magazine published the below article titled "The Beatles are back".

This article written by David Naylor whom interviewed me in depth has more revelations on the identity of the mysterious band Klaatu.
It suggests that the bands debut album may be a missing Beatles album titled

When the band released their 4th album "Endangered Species" in 1980 the albums sleeve notes declared that Klaatu were" Terry Draper, Dee Long and John Woloshuk".

Strangely, these musicians never played on the album and were only brought in to record the vocals.
Soon after the release of the album, Capitol Records turned on the band and withdrew the sales of all their 4 albums around the world.
Rumours circulated that Capitol Records was threatening to sue Klaatu for "false representation".

The band fled back to Canada and recorded their final album "Magentalane", which was only released in Canada.

Soon after this release, they individually fled to the " 3 corners of the globe.
Like the titled of the 4th album "Endangered Species", they were the "Endangered Species".

For the full Story on Klaatu visit the below for my 10 P art series

A few days after the above article was published, according to my records, I gave an interview on Radio 2SM, Sydney.
I was interviewed on the subject of "Klaatu", though I can't recall by whom.

On the 9th October, the below article featured "Front Page coverage and a two and half page spread".
The article was published nationally in the popular  " Australasian Post".

It was great to end 1980 with some national exposure and wondered what the future would bring. 

In December 1980 we lost the great John Lennon whom was charting all around the world with;

Starting Over

Part 4 will certainly reveal some exciting developments, so please stay tuned.

It's April 11th 2020 and I'm still in Lockdown after 3 weeks indoors.

Everyone stay safe.

Monday, March 2, 2020

2. "Like ships in the night".

Spaceship in the night.

Part 2

London Town 

It's early 1975 and here I am with my wife Cherie living in London Town; 

I'm 26 & full of dreams.
My wife got a job as a nurse and I took on a position as a Mail Clerk for a dental company.
I began contacting Record companies and arranged a meeting with A&R managers at EMI, Decca and RSO (Robert Stingwood Organization).
At all these meetings I acted as an Embassador for Australian talent. I was promoting the talents of Rene Geyer, Sherbet, Ariel and Glen Cardier.

I was seeking the UK release of albums by the noted above as well as seeking a contract with the company as a Songwriter.
I played them a number of 2 track demos of my original compositions, which they appeared to like.
They took my contact number and said they would review the material and get back to me.

Around this time I vaguely remember doing a Radio interview and a Press interview.
Meanwhile myself and my wife attended concerts by ELO, Led Zeppelin, Yes, Genesis and Rick Wakeman.

Rick Wakeman

Stoned on hashish, Genesis blew us away with their live performance, they played their entire "Lamb lies down on Broadway" album.

One afternoon we attended a concert by Yes (without Rick Wakeman on keyboards ) and left a life long fan .

Within 6 months I felt I had one foot in the door of the music industry; I'd made connections.
Then, out of the blue I was taken ill and rushed to hospital and hospitalised for two weeks.
I was more concerned for my wife who felt like a stranger in a strange land and was all alone. She was a nurse at the same hospital and insisted I stay until all tests were done. I felt helpless.

Upon release from hospital, my wife said she was homesick and unhappy. At this time I felt that my marriage was more important than chasing dreams, so we made plans to return to Australia.
I gave up my dreams for love.
               August 1975.


Within weeks we were on a plane heading for Sydney, where we were met by my wife's sister Roslyn and husband.
After a 2 week stay we rented our own 2 bedroom unit at Clovelly , with the beach just across the road. Sunshine, warm weather and outdoor activities brought joy to our life's and marriage.

My wife got a job as a nurse and I found part time work as a store man and guitar teacher.

In the extra bedroom I built a 6ft Pyramid structure and aligned it with magnets and crystals. Each day I would meditate inside the pyramid and afterwards write down any images or language I experienced.
During this period, one evening, late one summer's evening I was sitting on the cliff's of Clovelly beach when out of the ocean a glowing craft rose up 60ft and came towards me. Luckily I had a camera with me so I took a couple of shots before it took off into the night sky.
       Clovelly ufo 76
The next day I contacted a new publication called "Psychic Australia" and the editor asked if he could come and interview me regarding publishing my Story.
It was early August 76 when I received his visit and we discussed my , past ufo encounters and I gave him a number of Psychic Preditions I had obtained whilst meditating.

I was advised to use a Pen Name to protect my privacy and chose the name "John Squire".

A few weeks later my article / interview was published, titled "A psychic unfoldment".

It was my first article and featured Front Page heading and covered 2 & a half pages.

My prediction that Canberra would have an Earthquake in Sept immediately came true and the media came knocking.

On the 12th November 76 I was invited to appear on the national tv program "The Mike Walsh show".

" McCartney".

Remember in Part One , it was around March 75 that I spent time in Paul's home in London , when the Caretaker told me his boss was touring Australia. Paul McCartney and Wings were in fact in Sydney being interviewed by Mike Walsh.

The show was enormously popular nationwide and I'm proud to have been a guest.

Three days later on the 15th November I appeared on another national television program "A Current Affair" & interviewed by Peter Meakin.

Again, my interview was aired nationally and neighbours and locals began to stare or say something like "saw you on tv last night".

On the 18th November I was interviewed Keith McGowan on Sydney's radio 2UW, we discussed ufos and psychic phenomena.


On the 30th November I was a guest on the "Mike Gibson and George Moore show" at Radio 2SM.
Again the discussion was ufo related, detailing some personal experiences.

On the 2nd December I received a telegram from "The Entertainer magazine" but have no records of what was published and when.

So ended a very busy 4 months, I was fast becoming a media celebrity, with radio, television and press coverage.

Time for time out.


In mid December 76 we took a holiday in Geeveston, Tasmania, staying with my wife's parents. They had a huge Apple orchard, also grew plums, nectarines, pears, mandarins, oranges and grapes. They also had a large seasonal vegetable plot, some chickens and some cattle. 
They were almost self sufficient.
Geeveston is about 62kms
 south of Hobart with a then population of around 200.

This is where we stayed.

On the 23rd December I was I was an invited guest on the major radio station 7HT Radio. I was there to discus ufo's and my personal encounters.
Just as I was introduced the producer said we "weren't going to air", the signal was dead. We sat there for a number of minutes before the producer announced we were "back on air".
What caused this broadcast disruption was either a technical malfunction or alien intervention?

Strange days indeed.

A few days earlier I was interviewed by a journalist from the Mercury newspaper about my visit there.
On the 24th December 76 they published the following article.

My "alien" manuscript "The universal Laws and wisdom of the Masters" still remains unpublished.  I think I still have a copy and May one day publish it as a Blogg?

A couple of nights after publication, early one evening just before dusk, myself and my wife to a long walk up a high hill that overlooked the small township below.

It was around 8.30pm on a warm summers evening with not a cloud in sight. The air was still, the stars were coming out and all was quiet as a mouse.
Suddenly we both became aware of a buzzing, whirling noise that was growing louder by the second. We both spun our heads around and there nearly above our heads was this circular disc. We distinctly ducked our heads as it flew over us and quickly disappeared into the night sky.


The object looked similar to the pic above, taken many years later in Sydney.

Strange I was visiting Tasmania hoping to find a Ufo and a ufo found me.
I suspect that it was an "alien drone" sent to monitor us and pass on information. 

So on the 23rd December I was interviewed on Hobarts major radio station and the very next day featured in their major newspaper and my in laws weren't impressed. They were quiet country folk and shied away from publicity of any kind. 
The local townsfolk gave me strange looks, after all I was an outsider amongst a population of 200. 
In such a small town one can't fart
without everyone knowing.

SYDNEY 1977.

Around mid Jan 77 we caught a flight from Hobart to Melbourne and on the way both myself and my wife fell asleep and slept most of the flight. I ask myself " was it due to exhaustion or alien abduction?".

JAN 1977

Within days of being back in Clovelly I was contacted by a journalist and agreed to an interview.
The interview took place a couple of days later the below article was published on the 27th January in the national magazine "Pix/People".

The article was published nationally and awarded me a high profile in the Australian media.

A few weeks later I was a guest on the "Maggi Eckardt Show" on Channel Ten. The program aired on 22nd February and also featured the gourmet cook Bernard King.
On the 7th March I received the below "Thank you" letter.

A week later, on the 2nd March I flew to Melbourne to be a guest on the popular "The Don Lane show" at GTV9 television. From Tullamarine airport I caught a taxi to the studios in Bendigo st, Richmond .
There I met with Don and the producer Peter Faiman for a Pre-program briefing.
After the briefing I took a taxi to my hotel "Chateau Commodore" and booked into my room.
I had some dinner around 7pm and at 8pm caught a taxi back to the studio for my 9.30pm appearance.
The interview went well and I enjoyed meeting Don who was a really nice down to Earth bloke.
For me it was such an achievement to get to appear on Australia's No1 tonight television show, wow.
On the 7th March I received the below " Thank You" letter from the producer Peter Faiman.

How strange the journey of life can be, for 18 months early I gave up my musical aspirations for love and had returned to Australia with no other plans in mind. 
From the publication of my first article in Psychic Australia in Sept 76, within 7 months I had become a media personality; amazing when I think about it.

The next day after the show I was recognised where ever I went, with many coming up to me saying they had seen me on The Don Lane show and wished me well. 

My " 15 minutes of fame" had been achieved and I wondered what was next.

I continued to meditate and quietly prepared myself to walk the "road less travelled."

On the 3rd May I appeared as a guest on the television show "Eleven A.M."  @ ATN7. Again, the interview was on the subject of UFO's.

A few days later I was invited over to the offices of "Ram magazine" for a chat with its editor Stuart Coupe. 
We talked about many things and especially bringing my Story to the attention of the youth of the nation. 
"Ram magazine was a music publication catering for the 15 - 30 age bracket.
On the 3rd June, they published the below article.

On the same day, 3rd June I reviewed the below letter from the editor of "Juke Magazine " ( Tim Britten) requesting I submit a short article with a promise of becoming a regular contributor.

On the 2nd of July they published my first article, which received a huge response from their readership.

They immediately requested  a follow up article, which I obliged and 2 weeks later, on the 16th July published the below piece.

In Jan 75 I sailed through The Bermuda Triangle on my Honeymoon from Melbourne, Australia to Southampton, England.
I remember a huge wind and ice storm hit the ship and we were ordered to stay indoors. 

On the 30th July, Juke published my 3rd article on "Uri Geller".

Two months later, on the 4th October I received the below telegram from Mr Gellers Personal Assistant thanking me for the article and inviting me to attend and meet Mr Geller at his Sydney Show on the 11th.

On that night, myself and wife were taken backstage for a short meet and greet with this amazing, mysterious man.
After our chat we were ushered to front row seats at the Sydney Town Hall.
Spoon bending, watches restarted and many other gifts were demonstrated. I'm still baffled to this day by the talents of Uri.

Before the above, on the 17th Sept. I appeared as a guest on the Channel 7 (ATN7) Saturday morning "The Saturday Funshine Show. 
The program was "Youth orientated" featuring "live interviews (me)", short film stories/ live musical performances.
My appearance featured  Ray Burgess, Cat Stevens and Suzi Quatro.

 Into white

Devils gate drive

Six days after appearing on the "Funshine Show", the following article was published in Ram magazine on the 23rd Sept.

Again, the article was well received by the Pop Music readership and was read by all those in the industry. Music was my first love but writing articles for a major music magazine was 2nd to none.

Eight days later, on the1st Oct the following article was published in Juke magazine.

The article provided clues for teenagers on how to spot a ufo.

Around a week later ( don't have exact date) Ram magazine published my final article of the year titled;
" Will ufos beat the men in black".

This would be my final article and media appearance for 1977, the year had been hectic and amazing.
Most of my media exposure centred around the subject of "ufos, aliens and the question "Are we alone in the universe?".

My experiences and knowledge clearly suggests that the universe is teaming with life and that many alien races share this planet with the human race.


               End of Part 2.

Stay tuned for part 3 cover the years 78 & 79.

                 Stay safe.