"Living in the 70s"
Part 3
"Under an assumed name".
The year 1976 was the beginning of an 8 year "seachange" that gave me national and international exposure on Television, Radio and Print.
I spent the first 6 months of the year "meditation under a Pyramid" in the Hope of improving my health and in the search of Esoteric Knowledge. During these "meditations" I would experience "flashes/images of future events" and strange "audio communications from an unknown source".
"Was my mind being invaded by an alien source connected with the numerous alien/ufo encounters i had experienced during my childhood and teens?" "Was it all just a figment of my imagination; fantasy or was it all Real?". All seemed real when it was "happening" and yet questionable when recalling the events. As an "Observer" the quantum matrix of matter leaps about confusing my perceptions of what actually took place. "Did it happen Here, there and Everywhere"?
At times whilst Meditating I felt like i "left my body" and travelled backwards and forwards in Time and in Space. This inspired me to read a few books on "Astral Travel" and "Out of body experiences" which were helpfull in understanding the landscape of these domains. Many people undergoing serious surgery claim to have left their body or died and returned to their bodies to tell of their experiences. "Life after death" seems a likeable possibility.
I would eventually study material that would give me "the tools" to "leave my body" at will and travel
to locations on and off Earth.
It was quite confusing to make any sense of what was taking place, so I decided to "write down" what I remembered once I stepped outside the "Pyramid Meditation Field".
After writing down what I could recall, it looked like much of the material was either "Prophetic" or "Esoteric" in nature.
In July 76 I sent a letter detailing my experiences to a publication called "Psychic Australia" and after about 2 weeks the Editor phoned me and asked me if we could meet to discuss a possible "story" in his publication.
He came to my Unit in Clovelly and we chatted for 2-3 hours mostly about my "UFO experiences" and possible "Psychic gifts" and he left saying he would put something together within the next month for publication.
Surprises, surprise, the September Issue of "Psychic Australia" featured a 2 and a half page article in my own words titled "A Psychic Unfoldment". The article/story featured a number of "Psychic Predictions" and detailed a personal "Close Encounter" with a UFO.
To protect my "real identity" the article was published under a "Pen Name" being "JOHN SQUIRE". Talking about UFOs and the Paranormal had its dangers and it was essential that my "real identity" be kept hidden. "Men in Black; alien aliens and disturbed human beings" were watching my every move and sometimes "manipulating" the outcome. The X Files are real and the dangers were everywhere, so "who could I trust and who would try to decieve me?". Certain forces would do anything to prevent the public from knowing the truth; being "We are not alone". in the universe.
I risked being called a "Kook" or a "Lunnie" by sections of society and perhaps bring "enlightenment" to those with open minds. Remember, this was ALL new to me and I was "going with the flow" and trusting I was on the "right path". Often ones lifes journey changes course and one finds oneself travelling down " the road less travelled" and experiencing the unknown.
Parrallel realities and interdimensional existencies were unfolding in my world and I openly welcomed their inclusion. I had been "Cosmic Conscious" for a number of years and my acid trips during the 1960s had shown me the possibilities of "new worlds" beyond my normal state of consciousness.
Even my hero at the time "John Lennon" claimed to have not only "seen UFOs" but had actually been visited by 3 aliens in his New York apartment in 73/74. I learnt these details in 1977 from a "mutual friend" we shared called "Uri Geller".
I discovered that my Perceptions of Reality were uniquely mine and that as humans were all percieve reality differently. This world, from a human perspective isnt just One Reality but instead 7 Billion different realities and worlds.
The matrix of this multidimensional world I was journeying through contained "portals" that would allow access to "higher dimensions" and "past and future". One doesnt need a "spacecraft" to visit other worlds and explore other dimensions.
Time and Space only exist how I percieve them to be, for once I am "not conscious" neither of them exist for me. God only exists whilst I am conscious of Him/Her?
The story "A Psychic Unfoldment" sparked other media interests when a couple of my "Predictions" came true; one being that "Canberra" would have an Earthquake and the other being "Elvis would die".
First off the ranks was Peter Meakin from "Current Affair" and I went into Channel Nine, in Willoughby and recorded a 10 minute interview. I think this story went to air sometime in late Oct 76 and I became "visable" for the first time to a large percentage of the viewing public
Around the 2nd November I recieved a "Telegram" from the Television producer "David Lyle" inviting me to appear on the popular daytime Television program "The Mike Walsh Show" which I immediately jumped at, for this world give me a "National Televsion " profile.
Around the 2nd November I recieved a "Telegram" from the Television producer "David Lyle" inviting me to appear on the popular daytime Television program "The Mike Walsh Show" which I immediately jumped at, for this world give me a "National Televsion " profile.
The experience was a real buzz and within days I was invited to appear as a guest on the "Gibson and Moore" radio program at 2SM and the n"Keith McGowan" radio program at 2UW.
Mid December I flew to Tasmania with my wife and stayed with her parents in Geeveston for 3 weeks over the Festive Season. Whilst there, I met with the Editor of The Mercury Newspaper to discuss my visit to Tassy and on the 24th December they published a article on me titled "Psychic set on UFO sighting", which went down well with my "straight" in-laws.
During the same week, I also did interviews on radio 7HT and 7HO.
I remember the interview on radio 7HT because the program was "knocked off the air" for several minutes which spooked the presenter heaps. He suspected that my "alien connections" may be responsible and at the end of the interview we all had a laugh about it.
The Mercury article stated that I was planning to visit a couple of reknown "UFO" hotspots in hope of an encounter.
I remember the interview on radio 7HT because the program was "knocked off the air" for several minutes which spooked the presenter heaps. He suspected that my "alien connections" may be responsible and at the end of the interview we all had a laugh about it.
The Mercury article stated that I was planning to visit a couple of reknown "UFO" hotspots in hope of an encounter.
Where I was staying, in Geeveston, 40 miles sth west of Hobart, I was surrounded by open fields and hills and a place sparsily populated.
Early one evening, myself and my wife Cherie went for a walk up this massive hill oposite her parents home and sat halfway up the hill in a vast open field. It was beginning to get dark when we began hearing this buzzing noise that was increasing in volume. We both swung around to look behind us to see where the noise was coming from and we both saw this "Oval shaped object" moving towards us at a height of about 12 feet.
As the object flew over our heads we swung around to see it was only about a "metre" wide and we sat in awe as we watched it fly away high into the darkening sky. It must have been some "alien drone/monitoring craft" of some sort?.
By the end of our Tasmanian visit, my sought after "alien encounter" became a reality and my trip to Tassy had helped boost my media profile.
Meanwhile while I was in Tassy I was recieving communications from other areas of the Media regarding continuing Media exposure come early 1977. These inculded the following;
Strangely, whilst on the plane flying over Bass Strait, both myself and my wife fell into a deep sleep and only woke up when we landed in Melbourne. Perhaps we were "taken" by some aliens during our flight or perhaps we were just simply exhausted and crashed out?
My dreams of a carreer as a musician/singer/songwriter were fading fast after the events that had taken place during the 2nd half of 76. I was on a new journey and i was excited by where it may lead me and what new experiences it may bring me. Perhaps I could obtain a strong National media identity and then head back overseas with a strong "resume" under my arms, which may open up a possible International identity.
I was a Dreamer ( but not the only one); I was passionate about what I was doing and what I believed in. I Believe that with hard work and determination we can achieve whatever we want in life; its was upto ourselves to trust in our abilities/ talents and gifts.
Success is the ability to fail and rise up to try again. Failure is the result of "Not having a go". Somethings work some of the time and somethings dont and often it can be just being in "the right place at the right time". Destiny and Luck play their parts and sometimes we are dealt a great hand where fortune and fame falls easily into our laps. When the chips are running hot one has to stay in the game and when the chips are down its time to step out of the game for awhile. Instinct and intuition should guide our every move as we forge ahead to the Top of the Mountain, where we can see The Promised Land.
1977 the Promised Land looked promising indeed.
End of Part 3 .